
We organize events discovering various aspects of AI. The aim of the events is to broaden the expertise about how the AI and related technologies are affecting our societies. Besides public events we organize smaller gatherings, reading groups and networking events around the theme.

Our event series are Turku AI Week and National Seminar of Theoretical AI. Turku AI Week include events for various disciplines and industries. The Week is organized in February and with a collaboration with various faculties and departments of University of Turku, Turku Science Park and Turku Business Region, Shift-festival and other organizations. 

The core of the National Seminar of Theoretical AI is to connect scholars and experts working with the theoretical perspectives and approaches related to the development of AI. Turku AI Society is a founding member of the seminar and has collaborated with the student associations of philosophy in Finland. We are looking forward to new collaboration partners for the next seminar.

Spring-Autumn 2020-2021

- Events cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemia. Stay safe!


Interested in participating? We would love to hear from you - contact us!

Past events

October 2017

31th - Tuesday Talks: Introduction, why to research AI? 

November 2017

13th - Understanding AI technology: Machine learning

21th - Tuesday Talks: AI Ethics, please apply through contact form 

December 2017

12th - Tuesday Talks: Caring as a concept. Can AI and robots care for other beings? 

January 2018

9.1. Tuesday Talks: AI and Law

February 2018

6.-11.2.2018 Turku AI Week
9.-11.2.2018 National Seminar of Theoretical AI

May 2018

15.5.2018 AI & Society Meetup: Pre-Bostrom, what's up AGI?

August-September 2018

Internal meetings every Wednesday

October 2018

3.10. - AI & Design - How is AI going to change design? How to design AI?
11.-12.10. Seminar of technology ethics, by Future Ethics UTU
25.10. - Half-yearly AGI discussion 

November 2018

21.-22.11. Robots Week in Turku, by Turku AMK & Suomen Robotiikkayhdistys ry
22.11. Robot and AI ethics: Dialogue between Europe and East Asia, by Centre for East Asian Studies 

December 2018

Christmas Meetup

January 2019

23.1. Robot Rights: Reading group

March 2019

4.-8.3. Turku AI Week as a part of Turku ICT Week

May 2019

15.5. Dokumentti-ilta: Outouden laakso (in Finnish) + Opas tekoälyn etiikkaan

Autumn 2019

- Weekly: AI Lunch every Tuesday 12:30 at the Piccu Maccia (Educarium)

Autumn, organized by other organizations:

28.8. Åbo Akademi: Opening the Black Box - Regulatory Perspectives on Automatized Decision-Making. Seminar on 28 August 2019 on the construction of AI solutions for (public and private) decisionmaking environments. Guest lecturer: Joanna Bryson.
29.-30.8. The Shift - Business Festival
23.-24.10. Future Ethics research group: Seminar on Technology Ethics.